Thursday, 29 October 2009

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Monday, 19 October 2009

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
I wanted to hear a view of boxing from the 'real thing' so i asked Kevin, hes been boxing for 10 years and turned pro 6 years ago so he definetely knows a thing or two about the sport.
What made you start boxing?
I enjoy pushing myself, see how much i can take how much i can give. I was 16 when i first started and i wanted to be able to take care of myself so boxing seemed appropriate.
What's the worst thing about boxing?
Cant really think of anything, the only problem with boxing is it's a very lonely sport. You've only got yourself on your team, constantly having to push yourself, but its very rewarding when it you left standing in the ring.
Do you worry about injuries, including brain damage?
I think every boxer worries a bit but i train hard to make sure i can defend myself as do all boxers. There's risks with boxing as with any sport, just got to be prepared.
What do you enjoy most about the sport? When i knock someone out. Also just the feeling of power, like im on top of the world after a good sparring session, its great.
Im really happy with the interview, although it was short all the feed back is very positive. I feel it helped prove that boxing is something you need to try to really have an opinion on it. It's very different to other sport, it requires more mental strength then physical yet is still extremely demanding on the body .
My presentation is going to start on a downer, im going to target the negative points that people gave me on my questionaire which was mainly the brain damage and injuries that can come with boxing. I will show the precautions in place to help make the ring as safe as possible. Then using quotes and statistics i'l try prove why boxing is skillful rather then thuggish. My next slide will be centered on the good points of boxing, using the positives that people said on my questionaire. I'l try enter a humerous side to my presentation, i have a few funny quotes from professional boxers that i found which will hopefully keep my audience entertained. Then i'l finish with a summary on why boxing is good and brings out the best in people.
Thursday, 8 October 2009

I kept this nice and simple which is why it works well. Unlike the one two three four exercise i exaggerated the size much more and made 'beware' centre of the page where our eyes directly go first. However i think i should experiment more in the future to push the barriers which this doesnt.

I don't think mine worked too well. I changed the size of the words to try drive the readers attention to the biggest ending in the smallest. I think i should have exaggerated the size much more, considered exaggerating the weight, font and change from upper case to lower in the three and four.

The word that i have kerned is the second of each. I looked for the largest space between two letters and then worked from their making each other space compare until the word has an even look. I think i did this quite well but still needs some working on.

For instance this piece above in which i tried to give the word dog the characteristic of being shy by placing the word at the very end of the page. I moved the word to the bottom right because we read left to right therefore 'dog' is in the last place we'd look.
From the graphs below boxing seems a rather positive thing with only one person wanting the sport to be banned. It's also interesting to see that most people would happily participate in a boxing class that didn't have any sparring involved.
I also asked people whether they could list 3 positive and 3 negative things about boxing. It was interesting to see that a lot of people find the sport entertaining to watch yet the same people put that the sport causes pain and brain damage as their negatives. Maybe that shows that our society enjoys watching pain and possible brutality.
The answers i got for 3 negatives were definetely centered on brain damage and injury. Which shows me why people wouldn't think boxing is a 'good' thing.
From previous research i already know that the BMA (british medical association) want to get boxing banned. Their reason for this is because of the possible injuries that can happen to the brain. What i found interesting is that bare knuckle boxing would actually be safer then boxing. This is because Bare knuckle fights tend to last only a few minutes. A direct blow from a fist ends in instant knockout. This might sound more brutal but having one punch to the head is clearly better then boxers who will fight for 12 rounds receiving blow after blow to the head which means the brain is hitting the inside of the skull constantly, breaking blood vessels and giving a higher chance of brain damage. However bare knuckle boxing will never be introduced in the western world because promoters can simply make more money out of boxing.
On the plus i also received a lot of positive feedback such as boxing is an anger outlet, profitable business, helps fitness levels, teaches self defence, and so on. From here on i think im best highlighting the good points, researching these further and trying to find arguments against boxing being a cause of brain damage.
So for the what is good brief i believe that boxing is good. I think its rather ambitious to try and prove that boxing is good when a lot of society think its thuggish and can only result in brain damage. To begin with ive conducted a questionaire, heres the results....
Would you consider boxing as the most dangerous sport?

Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
My full colour image worked well, i printed using my little lexmark printer onto textured paper which made the image more appealing to look at and touch.
I felt that my three colour was poorly designed and although i did try to play with mixing three colours to create more colours i didnt think it worked well and doesnt look professional or interesting.
I had a running theme through my postcards which was texture and feel, so when it came to my one colour pictogram i felt the need to make it appear as a textured pattern. I used acrylic paint and printed through stencil onto card to create my postcard. By having my pictogram patterened like so it pushes the question to whether it is actually a pictogram. Personally i think its simple enough to understand and the message is clear but other people might find this debatable.
I enjoyed making my two colour logo with stencils and acrylic. I had fun playing with positive and negative space as can be seen in my development work. I think it works fairly well but probably should be a little more tidy and block coloured. However it does keep to my textured theme well.
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