Friday, 30 April 2010

Above is my statement of intent with my written brief for this project. I partically liked the Wrinkly Runners brief so i've mainly stuck with that but slightly changed it so its more light hearted. I don't want to do something sensitive, I'd like to finish the year with a fun brief that i can be playful with.

I picked out three briefs that all have qualities that i like about them. I then noted the things i want to do from the brief and why for each of the briefs. The idea being that i will be able to put my own brief together at the end.
So the new brief has begun. Its a very open brief, basically we get to choose what we want to do. In a session with fred we had to note what we want to do and why, not just now but throughout the rest of the course. Above is my list.

Thursday, 22 April 2010