Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

So ive yet again drawn out what id like to happen, its very similar to the previous storyboard but cuts out the ending. This way i can stretch out the beginning of the clip unlike the previous video which rushed it.

I arent happy with this although it seemed like a good idea to have the camera go through the wall it hasnt worked out how i wanted it. It doesnt show this idea clearly enough and it doesnt look right.

I timelined the video and everything seems to happen within the first half of the clip, it goes from being rushed to having nothing happen and it just doesnt work. Going to scrap the last part with it going through the wall and see how it works.
Now when 'closed' goes through the door the camera moves towards the door. I want the camera to go through the door so at the end we see closed again moving towards us from behind the door which is now behind the camera. Im hoping this will show more spacial awareness and play with the element more.

Although i think this is more to the point i havent considered time and pace very well at all. i need to address this and again re think it.

I created a timeline for this video clip. As we can see there isnt much happening, although its only 5 seconds its rather plain with big gaps in it. I watch this video and expect more from it. It needs re thinking

Ive changed my idea here quite a lot. My previous video for this has the word closed flying across the screen twice then going through the door which then closes. I dont think the flying through the screen twice part is necessary at all, it shows no skill and doesnt express the meaning of closed which is why ive re drawn the storyboard and this time only have word going through the door.

Heres my improved version hope you all think the same. Ive tweaked the start of the clip so closed looks more like its flying into the distance once its hit the wall. Out of my videos this is the one that has more of a 'personality'. Closed has been given a quality, its frustrated and aggresive to the wall, something which i think makes the video more interesting. Never before have i managed to make helvetica seem aggressive, its interesting how motion can do this.

This works much better then the previous one however im still not over happy with the beginning. The first time closed hits the wall i want it bounce away rather then bounce off the wall. I want it to look as though closed bounces away from the camera, something which needs more work on.

The first video i created for this idea didnt look right, the pace of it was all wrong hence me going back and re drawing my idea in a way hopefully will work better when i take it into after effects. I need to make it more obvious that the word 'closed' is trying to stop the moving wall from moving.

im quite happy with this again rather simple but it does give the illusion that the 2d image is infact 3d and the squares are folding to create a cube.

My previous cube idea had the word closed zooming to the cube once the net had folded in. I thought this looked quite cheesy and not partically well thought out so ive re-addressed this and now the cube will hopefully turn once folded and on one of the sides of the cube we shall see the word 'closed' written on it.

The message in this video is easy to understand, it may be a little basic, i want to push my other videos further but for my first developed video i think its fine.

Ive kept the idea the same for this but changed the door to an actual door rather then 'closed' looking like a gate. Only when the doors shutting do we see 'closed' communicating the message easily and clearly. The idea is dead simple but i think it comes across clearly, all that is necessary.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

I like the idea behind this but i think 'closed' needs tweaking a lot. The movement and pace in this dont really work i need to address the timeline and make sure its clear the 'closed' is trying to break through the wall.

This would work better if 'closed' was already on the cube rather then flying to it, would also look visually more appealing if i can get the cube to turn or spin to look 3D

When 'closed' is moving towards the closing door it has no perspective, it doesnt look as though its on the floor which is what i was really hoping for. So i addressed this again as can be seen below.

This is better it shows 'closed' moving to the door in a 3D style however i now dont like the word closed moving across the screen in the first half. Im going to go back to the story board and re address it

After drawing my 4 story boards out i created them on after effects as seen above. The one above worked fine with the storyboard however i dont think it communicates the idea of it being a door closing very well, if anything id interpret it more as a gate. Needs addressing.

After scribbling down each idea ive then re done it, making notes on movement and making sure its positioned how id like it on screen

From the studio work ive taken my ideas and begun playing with them obviously putting the whole word in their rather then just the letter.

Our last task was to then show 3 of our ideas in 18 frames connecting them together, this was difficult but useful because it meant i had to consider what was important, i had to direct it more, thinking about what would be key in the animation.

Below is another idea of how to communicate closed, i produced for in total all of which communicate differently the same word.

My word for this project is 'closed'. So with closed i have to produce a 5 second clip which animates my word in a way that communicates its meaning. As a class we had a studio session with fred where we had to storyboard a letter from our word communicating the meaning of the word. We had to do this in 12 frames which i found a lot for 5 seconds. i found that my storyboard seemed more like a stock animation rather then showing the key points to the clip. Luckily our next task was to narrow the 12 frames to 9 which meant i had to be more specific of what the key frames are. Heres what i did...